Arnold Texture Pack: Art and Design纹理素材包为Cinema 4D和Arnold用户提供了300种优质纹理,适应多种设计风格,如卡通、信息图、平面风格、游戏设计等。每种材质都无缝对接,只需拖拽即可快速集成到项目中。支持:C4D R18或者更高版本,渲染器:阿诺德渲染器3.3或者更高版本。
Arnold Texture Pack: Art & Design. It has 300 beautiful textures. 95% are procedural, and the rest are 4K resolution. All of them are seamless and easy to drag and drop into your project. They’re also really versatile. These can be used for sketch and toon, flat shaded projects or motion graphics or architecture projects.

300组C4D阿诺德渲染器建筑卡通手绘艺术游戏科技设计感材质球预设 Arnold Texture Pack
资源名称 | Arnold纹理素材包 |
使用软件 | Cinema 4D |
最近更新 | 2024年12月03日 |