
室内盆栽植物场景动画3D模型 iMeshh – Full Plant Scene


这款植物场景模型由iMeshh提供,专为展示新款植物模型和动画效果而设计。场景中包含多种植物模型,如 Yucca 和 Monstera,以及相关的室内装饰元素。通过采用Blender渲染软件和Cycles 2.93渲染引擎,场景中的植物呈现出精细的细节和自然的光影效果,展示了iMeshh新一代植物模型的真实感。

This scene was created with the intension of being an animation to show off the new plant models! The animation will be coming soon, it is still rendering (not entirely sure why we decided to render it at 60fps). It will be posted on our Youtube and on this product page once it is finished.
Inside this file you can see the cameras and how they are set up to move and you can see each individual shot.

FS-0005 Shot5.jpg
FS-0005 Shot4.jpg
FS-0005 Shot3.jpg
FS-0005 Shot2.jpg
FS-0005 Shot1.jpg
室内盆栽植物场景动画3D模型 iMeshh – Full Plant Scene
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