这是一门由 Pat Imrie讲授的3小时工作坊,专为数字替身初学者设计。通过课程,学员将学习如何在Maya、Wrap 和 ZBrush中快速、高效地创建高质量的数字替身资产。课程基于行业标准,详细涵盖了从准备扫描数据、模型绑定、重拓扑到纹理投射的整个流程,帮助学员在模拟的工作室环境中熟悉数字替身的创建流程。
Pat’s goal with this workshop is to replicate as closely as possible what it would be like to work on a digi double task in a studio setting. Using scan data from Clear Angle Studios, a supplier of scan data for the film and TV industries, the workshop kicks off with a lesson about how to prepare the scan data in order to maximize how it can be used to create an asset at multiple levels of detail. He then explains in detail how to use Wrap by Faceformto match the base mesh to the scan data before exploring various techniques that can be used for quickly replicating the clothing using Maya and ZBrush.
所需软件:Maya、ZBrush、Faceform Wrap
素 材:包含工程文件
字 幕:英文无字幕
格 式 :MP4,1920×1080
大 小 :1.65G