Topoformer 2.0是由Merk开发的一款Cinema 4D强大拓扑变形插件。它允许用户基于预定义算法非破坏性地改变多边形或原始几何对象的拓扑结构,同时保持对象的原始形状。插件提供超过15种不同的拓扑类型,并且兼容Cinema 4D R23到2024版本。通过与MoExtrude和颜色着色器结合,用户可以创造出丰富多样的拓扑效果,为 3D 设计带来更多灵活性与控制。
opoformer (aka Topology Deformer) is a groundbreaking deformer object plugin that alters the topology of your object based on a number of predefined algorithms in the plugin while still keeping your original geometry shape in tact. The plugin features plenty of options to tweak the way each topo type behaves all while in a procedural state.