Sprite Particles可以在Blender中创建各种实时视觉效果。通过几何节点(Geometry Nodes)的集成,可以轻松实现水花飞溅、篝火、烟雾和蒸汽等效果。
Sprite particles facilitate the creation of diverse real-time visual effects, this technique, long embraced by the gaming industry is now effortlessly achievable within Blender, all thanks to the integration of Geometry Nodes.
Water splashes, bonfires, smoke and steam, if you wanted to add any of these elements using traditional methods, it would take you hours of baking a simulation, this method requires no simulations or baking, you just need to hit play, change the parameters and you will see the animation change instantly.
支持Blender 4.1, 4.0, 3.6, 3.5