通过Cinema 4D和OctaneRender创作出独特的3D模型,体验有趣的实验过程。课程从初步概念到最终渲染,带你将日常物品如游戏机转变成微波炉、烤面包机或汉堡。你将学习如何利用受流行文化、复古物品和童年玩具启发的灯光和纹理,创作出具有幽默和古怪风格的3D模型。适合希望在3D建模中探索创意和乐趣的学习者。
In this online course, learn to walk the line between what’s real and what’s not in Cinema 4D by transforming an everyday object, from the initial concept to rendering in OctaneRender. Work on lights and textures inspired by pop culture, retro objects, and even toys from your childhood. By the end of the course, you’ll have created an amazing 3D-modeled object with a touch of humor and quirkiness!
- 格 式:MP4
- 分 辨 率:高清1920×1080
- 语言字幕:AI精翻中文/英文字幕
- 大 小:1.2GB