JPEG glitc插件使用JPEG压缩算法来创建故障干扰花屏损坏特效,在图像中使用JPEG压缩算法,以引入故障和错误,从而创建独特的视觉效果,即所谓的“JPEG故障美学”。用户可以通过控制面板调整参数,定制图像的故障程度,而插件会在转换阶段添加所有的“错误”和故障,然后返回“健康”的图像,以确保最终的渲染文件仍可正常使用。
- 在所有级别上进行JPEG压缩算法的故障处理
- 高效快速的处理速度,无需等待渲染
- 崩溃保护功能,确保渲染文件正常工作
- 无需编程知识,即可让每个人都能体验JPEG故障美学
- 多种参数组合,让您获得令人惊艳的效果
JPEG glitch plugin uses JPEG compression algorithm to create effects. You can add some “errors” in each step of the algorithm or change values manually. This manipulation creates special glitch aesthetics, which is possible only with JPEG compression algorithm. We broke JPEG for you in a very controlled way and we give you a control panel.Technically, the plugin receives each frame as a separate picture, converts it to a JPEG, and returns it in the same picture format. In the conversion stage, all magic happens, where all “errors” and glitches are added. We made it so that all “errors” and broken bytes are left at the conversion stage, so the plugin returns only “healthy” pictures, so you don’t have to worry that your rendered file will not work.
支持Win系统:After Effects 2024, 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, CC 2019, CC 2018, CC 2017, CC 2015, CC 2014
1.0.4 Win/Mac | 点击下载 |