
创意演示视频文字标题制作经验分享教程 School of Motion – The Curious Craft Of Demo Reel Titles




Demo Reels – they can become the toughest assignment you will face as a working artist, and you’ll face it several times over the arc of your career. No client but yourself to answer to and a million directions to be taken, all Demo Reels share one element in common: the Opening Sequence. If you want to get noticed, you need to tell people who you are, what you do, and why you’re the best one for the job! In this Workshop, we crack open one of the definitive Demo Reel title cards – or in this case, title sequences of all time. Join us as we pry open Sekani Solomon’s stunning opening title to his 2020 Demo Reel and discover why AND how he built this beauty.

创意演示视频文字标题制作经验分享教程 School of Motion – The Curious Craft Of Demo Reel Titles
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