由School of Motion提供的”Freelance Client Code”的在线课程,该课程旨在帮助自由职业者学习如何与客户进行有效的沟通和合作。课程涵盖了与客户沟通的基本原则、如何管理项目、提供有效的反馈和解决问题的技巧,以及如何建立长期合作关系等内容。通过这个课程,学员可以提升他们作为自由职业者的专业能力,更好地与客户合作,提供高质量的服务。
With Demo Reel Dash, you’ll learn how to make and market your own brand of magic by spotlighting your best work. By the end of the course you’ll have a brand new demo reel, and a campaign custom-built to showcase yourself to an audience aligned to your career goals.