Catchup Importer Pro”是一个用于将草图大师(SketchUp)软件中的3D模型导入到Blender中的工具。插件可以快速方便地将草图大师的模型导入到Blender中,以便在Blender中进一步编辑和渲染。
There is good news for those who use Blender coupled with Sketchup. We have released CatchUp Importer you can easily import models from Sketchup directly into Blender, we have also built a Layer system typical of CAD software. In addition, if you are already using Extreme PBR addon (V3.3.3), you can also synchronize Sketchup materials with those of Extreme PBR.
1.打开软件,顶部菜单点击 编辑(Edit) → 首选项(Preference) → 插件(AAdd-ons) → 安装(Install) ,在弹出的窗口里选择插件zip文件安装
2.重启Blender,在 文件 → 用户设置 → 插件 里即可看到所安装的插件
支持软件版本:Blender 2.93或者更高版本;Sketchup 2021或者更高版本