RandoMixer是一个强大的3dsMax插件,RandoMixer可以将多个模型或者材质导入到场景,进行随机组合,方便同一个场景中观察不同的模型或者材质效果。此外,它是一种无与伦比的工具,可以随机化变换和材质、交换对象、分散对象、创建不同对象之间的组合 元素集,自动切换活动灯和相机等等!由于其多功能性,RandoMixer可用于不同领域的许多不同目的。
RandoMixer is a powerful 3dsMax plugin to automatically generate multiple variants of your scene, model or character and manage them within a collection of states.Moreover, it’s an unrivaled tool to randomize transforms and materials, swap objects around, scatter them, create combinations between different sets of elements, automatically switch active lights and cameras, and a lot more!Due to its versatility, RandoMixer can be used for many different purposes in diverse fields.
支持软件 3DS MAX 2015-2024
V1.02 | 点击下载 |