
AE插件|Physarum V1.3 Win/Mac 模拟有机微生物霉菌生长动画 +使用教程


AE插件|Physarum V1.3 Win/Mac 模拟有机微生物菌霉生长动画 +使用教程

Physarum插件可以模拟有机体生物细菌等的生长动画,模拟各种纹路效果动画。模拟模式与自然界中发现的模式非常相似。模拟参数的最细微变化会产生全新的结果。Physarum 可以与其他层交互,包括图形、动画和实时镜头。绒泡囊给你很多实验和探索的可能性。V1.3更新内容:修正了浮动许可证的“无效格式”错误;兼容苹果M芯片

Physarum is a plugin that models organic growth. Simulated patterns closely resemble those that are found in nature. Slightest change in simulation parameters create completely new results. Physarum can interact with other layers, including graphics, animations and live footage. Physarum gives you a lot of possibilities for experiments and exploration.

支持Win/Mac系统:After Effects 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, CC 2019, CC 2018, CC 2017

AE插件|Physarum V1.3 Win/Mac 模拟有机微生物霉菌生长动画 +使用教程
软件兼容Final Cut Pro X
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